Percy Jackson had almost ended his whole year of school without any monster attacks until the last day of school. He got attacked by
Laestrygonians.. They are big and very strong giants who have a lot of tattoos. When Percy was playing dodge ball, when all the balls ran out, the Laestrygonians made bronze dodge balls that were on fire to try to kill Percy. But Percy's only friend, Tyson, caught two of the balls that were thrown at Percy. At Camp Half-Blood, where Percy sneaks off to, without telling his mom, he figures out that his friend Tyson is a cyclops. Tyson caught the balls because he was a
cyclops, which Percy didn't know until then. Poseidan claims Tyson and Tyson tries to save Percy but when Tyson saves Percy, Tyson almost gets killed. In the end, they have to get the Golden Fleece from
Polyphemus because he stole it. Percy tries to steal it from Polyphemus to put on
Thalia's tree and he succeeds but the magic works a little too well - so it made Thalia become human again. (She WAS the tree.)
My favorite character was Tyson because he thought
Chiron was a pony. I also liked Tyson because when Poseidon claimed him as his son, he tried to swat away the green trident above his head. I liked this part because everybody was surprised that a cyclops was Percy's cabinmate. It is surprising because cyclops are monsters and it's surprising that he's Percy's brother.
This was a great book. Adios, amigos!